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Wednesday 24 July 2013

Mobilink Live. Where discussion is possible

Mobilink Live
Customers can air their opinion and participate in various live shows and interact with celebrities through Mobilink Live.
How To Subscribe
Dial 7660 and press ’1′ for service subscription
How To Un-subscribe
Dial 7660 and press ’9′ for service un-subscription

Subscription Charges: Rs.1.0+ tax per day
IVR Charges: Rs.0.20+tax /min
IVR Charges: Rs.3.0+tax /min
Other Details
The following categories of live shows are available to the subscribers of the service:
  • Expert Centers
  • Educational
  • Game Shows
  • Religious
  • Celebrity
  • Technology
  • Special Day Shows
  • Music Corner
  • Social Corner
Mobilink is not responsible for the language or content of the live shows and cannot be held liable for it.

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