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Friday 12 July 2013

Mobilink- Double Up your Number

DoubleUP Number
DoubleUP Number service allows a subscriber to have a virtual number in addition to the primary number on the same SIM. This service is for prepaid subscribers only.
How to Subscribe
Dial 4030 and press ’1′. Or send ‘SUB’ to 4030
How to Un-subscribe
Dial 4030 and press ’9′. Or send ‘UNSUB’ to 4030
Subscription Charges: Rs.0.99+tax per day
SMS Charges to 4030: Rs.0.50+tax /SMS
IVR Charges to 4030: Rs.0.50+tax /min

SMS Charges to 5929: Rs.1.0+tax /SMS
IVR Charges to 5929: Rs.2.0 +tax /Min
Prefix SMS Charges: Rs.1.1+tax/SMS
Prefix Call Charges: Rs.2.0+tax/min
Using your new DoubleUP Number
You can start using your DoubleUP Number immediately, given that you have sufficient balance to cover call costs. DoubleUP Number uses the same balance as your regular number so there is no need for any special recharge vouchers – all your billing is conveniently consolidated against your primary Mobilink number
Making & Receiving Calls/SMS
To make a call or send an SMS from your Mobilink DoubleUP Number, simply add 88 before the number you are calling or messaging. For example if you want to call/message 03001234567, you would dial 8803001234567. The called party will see your DoubleUP Number as CLI without the 88 i.e. 03011234567. PTCL numbers can also receive and make calls to DoubleUP Number.
People who want to call/message you can easily do so by dialing your DoubleUP Number just as they would any regular Mobilink number – there is no need for them to add the 88 pre-fix. The CLI displayed on your phone when you receive a call or SMS on your DoubleUP Number will have the 88 prefix before the calling party’s number – this helps you identify the call as one on your DoubleUP Number.
Scheduling your DoubleUP Number
At times when you do not want to receive calls on your DoubleUP Number, you can just log-off from the service via IVR or SMS. Simply dial 4030 from your phone and select 1 to logged_off should be Logged-off. (L in upper case and hyphen instead of underscore). You can also use the Log-off or Log-on command via SMS to 4030 to manage your active/non-active states
We also provide the facility to schedule Log-off and Log-on, in which case the service will automatically become inactive for the times specified by you. For example if you do not want to receive calls/SMSs on your DoubleUP Number between the hours of 5:00pm and 9:00pm; dial 4030 from your phone and when prompted select 2, and follow the directions to enter Log-off/Log-on times.
With this control over the service’s active/non-active state, you can easily keep your regular Mobilink number on and not have to worry about receiving calls on your DoubleUP Number when you do not want to.
Blocking Unwanted Callers on your DoubleUP Number
This is a subscription based feature for Mobilink DoubleUP Number which allows you to control which numbers can call on your DoubleUP Number. To subscribe for this useful feature dial 5929 or SMS “SUB” to 5929.
Once you are subscribed for this feature you can easily dial 5929 and select 1 to add any number you want to block. There is no limit on how many numbers you can add to the block list. To unblock any number simply select 2 after dialing 5929 and specify the number to be un-blocked when prompted.
You can also use SMS to block and un-block numbers by using the “Block ” & “Unblock ” command respectively SMSing to 5929.
Numbers on the block list cannot call on your Mobilink DoubleUP Number until you unblock them. Blocked Number callers will not be aware that you have blocked them, they will get an announcement that the number is switched off.
Terms and conditions
  • International calls and SMS are not allowed from DoubleUP Number service, however prefix charges (dialing 88) will be automatically deducted incase a user tries to send SMS or make a call to an international number
  • Service is only available for prepaid customers
  • If a user un-subscribes from DoubleUP Number service, his allocated DoubleUP will not be allotted to anyother subscriber in the next 180 days. However if the same MSISDN re-subscribes, he/she will be given the same DoubleUP Number within 180 days
  • Only one DoubleUP Number will be allotted against a regular number
  • If a primary number of a DoubleUP Number subscriber is online with another caller, and a call is made to the subscribers DoubleUP Number, he will be shown that incoming call with ’088′ prefix. The call can be attended, swapped, put on waiting just like any regular call. If not attended, it will show as missed call in the log directory
  • Mobilink load, Mobilink Share and Mobilink Advance features will not be available on DoubleUP Number
  • SMS and voice bundles cannot be purchased on DoubleUP Number
  • Billing will be done against the primary number
  • Since DoubleUP Number is allocated against a primary number, customer’s record will be visible in the Customer Care System
  • Regular VAS cannot be availed through DoubleUP Number
  • DoubleUP Number will be assigned automatically to a primary number and subscriber will have no control on choosing the number.
  •  For FAQs Click here

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