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Wednesday 24 July 2013

Mobilink- End of Call Notification

End of Call notification
Once subscribed to End of call notification you can receive a notification regarding your call cost and remaining account balance every time you end the call.
How To Subscribe
Dial *122#
How To Un-subscribe
Dial *122*4#
Subscription Charges: Rs.0.75+tax/day

Other Details
  • The EOCN feature is applicable only after Voice Calls
  • If you switch to another prepaid package, the service will remain valid unless it is unsubscribed
  • If you switch to a postpaid package, the subscription will not be valid any longer
  • You will receive a notification SMS after every call informing you of the total call cost and the remaining balance
  • There will be no charges for the SMS received after each call
  • The offer is Recursive and will be automatically re-subscribed after every 24 hours
  • The offer is for Prepaid Users only

1 comment:

  1. unable to un-subscribe with Dial *122*4#
