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Thursday 24 October 2013

Mobilink Jazz Bizstore FAQs

 Mobilink Jazz Bizstore FAQs
  1. How is Biz Store of any help to me?
    Biz Store helps you in retrieving the exact location and contact details of any business you want to search for in Pakistan. Our SMS platform eliminated the need of having internet connectivity to avail this service.
  2. How do I find the location of a particular business?
    Through Smart Search you simply need to write the company/business name and send it to 5005 to get the address and phone number.
  3. Does Biz Store provide GPS services as well?
    No, presently we are only an SMS based service providing you with location and contact details of businesses.
  4. How can I unsubscribe from this service?
    Write ‘unsub’ and send it to 5005.
  5. How can I stay updated on special offers and discounts?
    By subscribing to a category of your choice, you shall receive regular updates regarding special offers, discounts and seasonal sales.

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