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Sunday 13 October 2013

Mobilink sms delivery receipt

Mobilink SMS Delivery Receipt
This service enables users to receive an intimation when their SMS is delivered to the recipient.
How to Subscribe
Send “SUB” to 2742
How to Un-Subscribe
Send “UNSUB” to 2742
SMS Charges: Rs. 0.1+tax/sms
Subscription Charges: Rs. 0.5+tax/Day

SMS Charges: Rs. 0.1+tax/sms
Subscription Charges: Free

Other Details
Users will be required to enable delivery report feature of their handset to be able to receive delivery report. To use the service customers have to activate delivery receipt/confirmation option in the message settings of their handset. Subscribes will receive free tips related to the category they have subscribed for on every alternate day.

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