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Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Share Balance with Yaari Load from Zong

Yaari Load
ZONG understands the value of sharing small happiness in life, YaariLoad a service as caring as it sounds shares the same value. Now you don’t need to worry about your loved ones getting out of credit ever. Be it a small gesture of love, or a friend in need, your demanding younger brothers and sisters, or you just want to impress someone, Yaariload is the answer.
Yaariload allows you to transfer the balance from one prepaid account to other. So you can share your balance at the time of emergency and/or gift some balance to other prepaid numbers. you can share your balance with your ZONG Friends by just typing <Recipient Number>.<amount> and send it to 999.
(example: To share Rs 150 with your number of choice you will type the following in your text messages 03140000000.150 and send it to 999, you will receive a confirmation message which you need to reply with “Y” and your balance will be shared).
4% of the total amount transferred will be charged as service fee.

To share balance in Zong
Type message as 0313xxxxxxx.50 and send message to 999
In other format,
Type a new message
X.Y and send it to 999
X = number to share balance like ( 03149999999)
Y = Amount you want to share like ( 50 Rs)

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